Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Youth Group Video Message

I woke up this morning and flipped on my PC to check my email and read my favorite blogs while I had coffee (my version of the morning paper). I had an email telling me that Connor, one of the high school students that I work with at church, had posted a video to my Facebook profile. I assumed that it would probably be something political since he and his sisters and I share similar opinions and we have previously sent each other links to videos, articles and blogs. Much to my surprise it was the following video that he shot at Youth Fellowship on Sunday night....

I was thrilled with the card that they sent Becky home with, but this video message really made my day. I love these guys so much. Not getting to be with them at Sunday school and Fellowship is one of the things that I miss most while I'm laid up. I can't wait to see them all again.

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