Thursday, September 4, 2008

No Change

Despite the fervor over Gov. Palin in the media and here in the blogosphere (I admit it was pretty hard for me not to get swept up in it) we need to remember that in addition to the poor decision making skills this shows for Sen. McCain that the issues and the contrast between Obama and McCain are the same as they were before Friday --

Two great advertisements from the Obama camp -

Its time to step back and refocus efforts on the larger issues that this has always been about. John McCain is promising more of what George Bush has given us for eight years.

Barack Obama is promising real change.

I've been thinking about a comment that my brother-in-law made the other day a lot. He was hoping for more specifics from Obama on Thursday night about policy issues and what the "Change" will look like. I'll concede that we might not have gotten nitty gritty details, but I think the change that he is offering is crystal clear -
  • He will not do foreign policy like Bush.
  • He will not give tax breaks to the wealthiest 5% of our citizens.
  • He will not allow the middle class to suffer disproportionately
  • He will not allow the torture that is being done in our name.
  • He will not continue the war in Iraq.
  • He will not be beholden to special interest groups or religious extremists.
  • He will not appoint people to the Supreme Court (or other key positions like VP) just to satisfy his base.
  • He will not allow us to continue to be beholden to foreign oil or to pretend that we can come up with enough of our own oil to solve the problem.
  • He will not plan to dismantle Social Security and attempt to hand it over to the "private sector"
  • He will not leave 47 million Americans without health care.
  • He will not work to overturn Roe v. Wade.

John McCain WILL. He will offer you what Bush has given us for the last eight years. What kind of "reform" is that?

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