Thursday, September 11, 2008

6 Days....

until surgery. Today I went up to Union Memorial and had my blood typed and screened so that they are ready to give me a transfusion if necessary.

It was pretty quick and they've got lots of procedures set in place to verify and re-verify that you are who you say you are and double and triple checking that the right name is with the right vial so that if needed they've got the right blood. I was sent home with a sealed envelope that I had to sign that has copies of the paperwork that went with my blood and has a bracelet with the bar code and numeric sticker that was on my vial. I am to present it to them when I arrive on Wednesday morning.

When I got home I got a call from the hospital for a pre-admission interview. They double checked all the info that they have on me and said it would streamline the process when I got there on Wednesday morning.

Each of these steps is helping me to accept the inevitability of what I'm about to do. I've got my physical with my primary care doc in the AM and then will be off to get my blood work done. After that I'm hoping for a enjoyable and relaxing weekend.

The Coen brothers' new movie (Burn After Reading) comes out tomorrow, so I hope to fit that in before Wednesday. They are responsible for some of my all time favorite movies (Raising Arizona, O Brother Where Art Thou, Fargo, The Big Lebowski) so I hope that this one lives up to their past offerings.

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