Monday, September 15, 2008

2 Days...

until surgery.

I was wiped out last night so I had no problems falling asleep. A rare occurrence these days.

I was awoken a bit early though by a call from my primary care doctor's office. It seems my thyroid levels are a bit high again and I've been instructed to take double my dose 4 days a week. I confirmed that they have faxed all the required papers to Union Memorial and I don't know yet if these results will have any bearing upon surgery. I plan to follow up with Dr. Brumback's office today to make sure that they have all the papers, that Worker's Comp gave the thumbs up and to ask a few additional questions that have come up. I really hope that this doesn't require postponing. As much as I am dreading it, I want to get it over with. I'm ready to move out of this limbo phase and start healing again. Several areas of my life have been on hold for months and I've got shit I want to do!

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