Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Will she last the week?

The Palin story just keeps getting better (or worse) depending on your perspective.
Honestly, I think it'll be amazing if the RNC Convention actually nominates her and officially puts her on the ticket this week. It looked like a hasty pick on Friday, but now it looks like they didn't do any vetting of her at all. Greg Sargent has a complete breakdown over at TPM -
  • Trooper/Wooten-gate (abuse of power scandal)
  • Was big supporter of the "Bridge to Nowhere" and congressional pork for Alaska in general, despite claims made in her speech. i.e. She lied in her introductory speech to the nation.
  • Helped fund raise for 527 for Ted "Under Indictment" Stevens
  • Was almost recalled as mayor for firing people who didn't politically support her
  • Was a member of Alaska Independence Group that wants to secede from USA and/or doesn't think vote to make Alaska a state was legit.

The picture on the front page of Talking Points Memo next to the headline "Off The Rails: Sarah Palin's Very Bad Day" is priceless

And although I find it all quite fascinating, in a Jerry Springer/Maury Povich kind of way, I'm not even going to touch either baby controversy (the one she had in April or the one her pregnant teenage daughter is carrying now). Other than to say --I thought the McCain camp had some young whipper snappers pulling up THE GOOGLE for him.

Never mind, I can't help myself. It was pretty easy for folks to find some pretty bizarre questions that surrounded the Governors surprise pregnancy and really strange choices regarding her and baby Trig's safety the day he was born.

UPDATE: What did I tell you the other day? I am ready to contact Rachel Maddow and ask for a spot on her new MSNBC show. We think alike.

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