Saturday, September 27, 2008

Recovery update

After several days of concern and several phone calls to the doctor I had an early morning appointment on Thursday to see what's up. The concern was about my leg continuing to bleed and one part of my incision that did not seem to be closing. According to Dr. Brumback I have a hematoma and possibly an infection. He started me on antibiotics as a precaution, sent swabs to the lab to see what they showed and told me to be prepared for the possibility of more surgery on Tuesday when I go in for a follow up. I have been instructed to change the dressing on the incision daily and to lay on my stomach as much as I can to encourage the wound to drain into the gauze dressing. This is not very comfortable and not very easy to do either. So much for this recovery being easier than last time due to having gone through all this before. I'm in uncharted territory and hoping for the best.

On a different note I've gotten great meals this week delivered by some extremely kind and generous folks from church and have had lots of visitors and phone calls. I can not say thank you enough for the many ways that I have been sustained through this very hard week.

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