Tuesday, September 16, 2008

About 9 hours to go...

until my surgery.

Today has been a good day and I'm as ready as I'm gonna be.

I slept in and then took a nice long shower and washed the dreads (it'll be a little hard to do that for a few days at least). My pastor (who also happens to be my boss and a good friend) came over and visited for about an hour.

I listened to Les Miserables, visited all my favorite blogs, and chatted with friends via phone, email, and on Facebook.

Danielle and I went to see Burn After Reading tonight. Its pretty funny. On the Coen brothers' movie spectrum I'd put it somewhere between The Big Lebowski and Fargo (with Raising Arizona being on the absurdly funny side and No Country for Old Men being on the super serious side of that spectrum). It has a great cast and is full of very quirky characters in very serious situations. The subject matter - espionage, extra-marital affairs, and blackmail are no laughing matter, but in the hands of Joel and Ethan Coen you just can't help but laugh at them.

I had a nice dinner from The Main Ingredient and Taffy brought me a large fountain Coke from McDonald's.

I will need to be up by 4am in order to get to Baltimore by 5:30am as instructed, so I probably should wrap this up, since I've got to start getting stuff together to take to the hospital and try to get some sleep.

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. They have and will continue to sustain me as I go through this. I'll be posting again as soon as I'm home (which should be Thursday or Friday afternoon).

Peace be with you all.

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