Thursday, September 4, 2008

Leg date yet for surgery

I was told that I would hear from the doctor on Tuesday, but he didn't call until this morning.
He had a chance to review the CT scan that was done after my appointment. He reiterated his assessment of my leg and the salvage operation that he proposed two weeks ago today with the same disclaimers about no more range of motion or any less pain. Finished with "well, think it over and call me when you make a decision."
My reply was immediate - "I already made my decision. I want to go ahead and schedule this and I have a few questions."
My questions were -

1) Should I be concerned about continuing to put weight on it? Is a cane with my brace OK? Should I use crutches? with or without any weight on that leg?
His reply - was that if this was going to be a long while before I did anything then, yes he would be concerned about damage to the bottom of my femur. With the tibia, the damage is already done. I really can't make that any worse. Since I'm going ahead soon he said not to worry about it and to continue to let my pain and/or comfort level determine how much weight I put on it.

2) What about physical therapy? Should I do the step down program?
His reply - no need to waste my time with that right now. It isn't going to bend any more than it is right now due to the alignment. (and again, no promise that it will bend any more after this operation)

3) What's he going to use to rebuild that section?
His reply - as much of the bone that is there that he can and bone graft. As well as screws and a new plate to hold it in place while it heals.

So with those questions answered and the only one left being "when can we do this?" I was told to expect a call from his assistant.
A week after I have made my decision to move forward and I'm waiting on yet another call to look at the calendar and start the wheels rolling with worker's comp. approval for the surgery.

I'll update when I have a date (assuming that I get a date with this next phone call). Maybe I should expect that the next phone call will only lead to me waiting for yet another phone call. That seems to be the pattern right now.

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