Monday, September 22, 2008

A bizarre turn of events

I returned home from the hospital on Friday afternoon and on Saturday Danielle was feeling sick and complaining of stomach pains. She spent most of the day in bed and by the evening decided she would go to the ER. An hour later she was home complaining that she was not willing to wait 4 hours to be seen and that she would return Sunday morning if she still felt ill. Yesterday morning the pain was worse and she still felt sick. Once we had someone to babysit me (thanks Mom and Dad) she went back.

At eight o'clock last night she went into surgery and had her appendix removed. Luckily it had not ruptured with all the extra waiting that she did, so she should be release this afternoon. It was very bizarre to find out that she had to have surgery, to be stuck here at home recovering myself and not being there. I spoke to the nurse before surgery last night to make sure that they knew all the medications that she is currently taking, what her medical history is etc. She's got a rather complicated medical history and even though she's an adult I can not help but insert myself into her health care (even while incapacitated myself).

The surgeon called at 9:30 to say that everything went fine and that she would be home Monday afternoon. She will be sore (three holes in your abdomen will do that), but will not need to be waited on as I do. She's not to drive, work, do any housework, etc. for the first three days. It will take about 10-14 days until she'll be back to normal and able to be active again.

So it's a good thing that our couch is L shaped because it will now have two patients recuperating on it...hopefully we can agree on what to watch on TV!

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