Friday, September 5, 2008

Surgery is scheduled

I received a call this morning from Dr. Brumback's assistant, Marge, and we scheduled surgery for Wednesday September 17th at 7:30am (which means I have to be there at 6am).

She's mailing me a package with instructions and paperwork that has to be completed by my primary care doctor. I was able to schedule an appointment for a pre-operative physical for next Friday the 12th with Dr. Lowe (my PCP). I also have to go up to Union Memorial next week and get my blood typed and screened.

I will be admitted to the hospital and kept for at least one night, possibly two. Marge was a little surprised that I asked and even more so to hear that I had been sent home after the first surgery. Danielle, my parents and I are very relieved to know that this is the plan. That first night was pretty scary - probably more for them than it was for me.

After almost two months of knowing that I was going to have surgery again, now it is set and I've got twelve more days of waiting.

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