Thursday, January 15, 2009

President Bush is finished playing cowboy

Cenk Uygur (from the Young Turks) has a rather interesting, and slightly angry post at Daily Kos about how W used his ranch and his cowboy persona for PR (or more accurately BS) purposes. Now that his political career is over the ranch is history and he is moving into a very exclusive (until recently whites-only) neighborhood.

The highlights -
  • He bought the ranch in Crawford in 1999 right before his campaign for president.
  • The ranch has no livestock or crops (lots of brush though). It was a prop.
  • The press was complicit in this propaganda. (damn liberal media)
  • He grew up in New England as a prep school boy of privilege.
  • His grandfather was a US Senator and his dad was President.
  • He was probably one of the most privileged people in America and he was sold to us as a simple rancher.

Time to tune in and see what he's got to say in his farewell address.

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