Saturday, January 17, 2009

Everyone Welcome

I just read the "My Turn" column in the latest issue of Newsweek. If you get Newsweek make sure that you read it and if not you can read it here.

Its written by the minister of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville that was attacked by a lone gunman during Sunday morning worship last July. Two people were killed and six injured.

There were children performing in a play or a choir when the man walked in, pulled a gun from a guitar case and started shooting. I remember thinking at the time when I read the story on-line that church should be a place for everyone, children especially, to feel safe and cared for. I'm sure it affected everyone that was there, but kids being impressionable and not having as many church experiences I remember thinking that these poor kids were going to associate some pretty scary memories with being in a sanctuary, being in worship and being at church. Needless to say the people in that congregation had much to be angry about.

The column explains how they chose not to give in to their anger and sought a better way.

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