Monday, January 5, 2009

A busy week and my new scanner

I've had quite a busy week. Spent all day Wednesday at work preparing for Friday's ski trip, yesterday's confirmation class orientation brunch and last night's youth fellowship.

The ski trip went well and everyone had lots of fun. We took a charter bus from Annapolis to Ski Liberty, just outside Gettysburg, PA. We left at 7:30am and returned by 10PM. Most importantly we returned with the same people and broken bones that we left with. Needless to say I did not ski or snowboard this year. I did however have a great day and fulfilled a key role - the "Lodge Mom." In years past we have always recruited someone to come along, not ski and stay in the ski lodge. They stay with every one's bags, serve as a point of contact for the ski resort should anything happen involving someone in our group and serve as a touch point and message relayer for those on the slopes. In the three years that I have gone on this trip (as an adult leader) this was the first year that I really got to spend time with everyone. Staying in one place has its advantages.

When I wasn't at church or doing preparation work for the various events of the weekend I was having fun playing with my favorite Christmas present. I got a 3 in 1 Printer/Scanner/Copier. I didn't get a digital camera until Christmas 2004, so I have tons of pictures that are not on the computer. In less than a week I've scanned over 450 pictures. It is loads of fun and a little bit addictive. Here's just a few that I added to an album on Facebook.

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