Thursday, January 8, 2009

Follow up with Dr. Brumback Today

I saw Dr. Brumback, the orthopaedic traumatologist, today for a follow up and x-ray. This was the first appointment with him since the week of Thanksgiving, so six weeks. Thankfully there was no sign of infection (8 weeks off of antibiotics) and he said that the bone was healed. He was pleased with the x-ray. He cleared me to progress to full weight bearing and even to drive. He said that there was no specific time table for making that progression and that it was up to me based on my comfort to go to one crutch, a cane or nothing at all. I've already tested out one crutch around the house a little bit.

As for my range of motion he was back to Mr. Worst Case Scenario. He really doesn't think that I'm going to get much more bend than I am right now (that's not new actually) . He even suggested that I didn't have to do any physical therapy if I didn't want to. He did however think it made sense when the Worker's Comp Case Nurse and I both said that I would continue. They can help me transition to full weight bearing, are my best hope for proving him wrong by getting more bend and have equipment that I don't have at home to strengthen my leg. He agreed that it was a good idea and said that he would write them a new prescription if they needed one at PT.

He and my Nurse Case Manger spent a bit of time discussing my future and when he anticipated determining that I had reached MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement). He talked about the strange (and somewhat frustrating) timeline imposed by the insurance companies on cases like mine. He said it used to really bother him, but now he just accepts that's how it is. He commiserated with my state of limbo though. He estimated that it would be two to three months before he would make that determination. So even though he thinks I should probably start thinking about and looking into work that doesn't require me to climb ladders and scaffolding we haven't reached that point in the process for the workman's compensation time line. I've got some ideas on that, but I'll save that for another post.

My next appointment with him is in two months.

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