Thursday, January 15, 2009

Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, He-ey Goodbye

I'm sort of "live blogging" Bush's farewell speech. Really I'm just jotting down thoughts as he speaks --

Was it just me or was the throat clearing and uncomfortable pause when he mentioned daily briefings of threats an indication of guilt at not reacting to the PDB (President's Daily Brief) entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike within US?

The faces that this man makes while speaking is something that I'll never get used to. He says everything as if he's child looking for approval. I pronounced that word right, didn't I? Smirk Smirk

There can be no compromise between good and evil? Killing innocents is always wrong and liberating people is always right??? What about the fact that you have been killing innocent people in your quest to liberate them?

He's actually going to bring up Katrina again...amazing.

Keith Olberman just said that it sounded like an acceptance speech to an award that he thinks that he's won. Chris Matthews response - yes in the sense that everyone gets trophies now-a-days.

I'm glad that was short. I don't know how much I could have taken.

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