Monday, October 13, 2008

Union Memorial All Stars

I wish I could remember everyone's name who I've come in contact with here and thank them all personally, but I am going to attempt to compile as complete a list as I'm able to of all the folks that have meant so much to me these last two weeks. (I will update as names come to me)

House keeping - Victoria

Food Services - Kelly, Angela, and Kim

Care Associates/Nurse Techs - Wendy, Mesi, Sharon, Courtney, Joan, Jonnie Mae

Nurses - Betty, Valeriya, Pat, Shimi, Sharon, Sandy, Felicia, Edward, Shelia, Samantha, Stephanie, Julia

Nursing students - Kelly, Bonnie, Chris

Social Worker - Cheryl

IV Techs - Thomas, Karin,

Pre & Post Op nurses - Stephanie, Randy, Judith, Nate

OR Waiting room attendant - Cynthia

Transport -

Physical Therapist -

Anesthesia - Dr. Levy, Tom Harris,

Docs - Brumback, Henderson, Campbell, Higgins, Sirota


Anonymous said...

It is good to be grateful. It's how we make life longer.

Chris said...

Then I should live for a very long time because I've got so much to be grateful for.