Sunday, October 19, 2008

The endorsements are pouring in

Here's a link to excerpts from the editorial page of papers from across the country that have endorse Obama.

A complete list of papers and who they have endorsed can be found at Editor & Publisher's website. The current tally as of 11:30 Sunday morning is -

This brings Obama's lead over McCain-Palin by this measure of daily papers to about 4-1, at 76-18, including most of the major papers that have decided so far.

In addition to newspapers Obama also picked up the long awaited Colin Powell endorsement on Meet the Press this morning.

As reported, Colin Powell just endorsed Obama, calling him a "transformational figure." He listed several reasons for his choice:

  • Obama's response to the economic meltdown
  • Obama's ability to reach all classes, races, and parties
  • Obama's rhetorical ability and his substance
  • McCain's erratic response to the economic crisis
  • Palin's lack of preparedness for the Presidency
  • McCain's smears
  • The wingnuttia of the Republican Party
  • The danger of two more conservatives on SCOTUS (he's probably thinking about all the anti-torture decisions)
  • The attacks on Muslims (he mentions a Muslim woman burying her son in
    Arlington)--this was one of the most powerful parts of the endorsement

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