Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An Honorable Campaign

Obama clearly won the debate again last night and I found it interesting that John McCain didn't have the guts to bring any of the slimy campaign trail attacks that he and his running mate have been slinging into that format. He clearly doesn't like Obama, but apparently he knows that the crap he's been saying only works in front of a partisan crowd of followers. The lynch mobs that they've been attracting lately have been shouting things like "terrorist", "kill him" and telling a black media sound man to "sit down boy." He and Gov. Palin are certainly bringing out the worst in people. Not the kind of leadership I want and I'm counting on the majority of America to feel the same on November 4th.

Talking Points Memo put together this video that illustrates just how slimy the attacks have become and how many times he vowed to run an honorable campaign. McCain has no honor and is clearly desperate.

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