Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back Home!

I was discharged at about 6pm last night and on my couch by 7:30. They kept me long enough to give me my antibiotic dose for the evening (which I got early) and I got to have one last dinner in the hospital. I thoroughly enjoyed the fresh air with the window cracked for the ride home from Baltimore and the change of scenery was really nice.

The dogs gave me quite a welcome home. There are few greetings that measure up to that of a dog welcoming you home after an extended stay away. I got double.

First thing this morning Wendy, my home care nurse, and a FedEx package full of meds and supplies arrived and we all got a lesson on administering the antibiotics and caring for my PICC line (IV port that was installed in my arm). I recieved a week's worth of IV bulbs that look like little grenades. They are pre-primed so they don't have to be hung or run through one of those computerized pumps that you see in the hospital. After sterilizing the caps and flushing the line, I simply hook up the hose to my PICC line and unclamp it and it runs for 90 minutes. I have to do this twice a day. It was pretty straightforward and of course I've been watching them do this to me in the hospital for two weeks already. Danielle took copious notes and has hung instructions on the wall next to the couch, just in case though.

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