Thursday, October 9, 2008

Time for a leg update

I was back in the OR again this morning to have my incision cleaned and to have the wound-vac re-packed. Just like Monday, they said that there are no visible signs of infection and that things are nice and clean. They would have closed me today, but they didn't have enough time in the OR. Dr. Higgins, the plastic surgeon, says that it takes an hour and forty-five minutes for him to do what he needs to do. So he has me scheduled for Saturday morning to actually close it up. Not sure of the exact time, but he thought it would most likely be 8am, the first open slot on Saturday.

I'm not sure if you would call what I had done today and Monday surgery, per se, but I have now been under general anesthesia and in an operating room four times in three weeks (3 of those in the last week alone). Saturday will be the fifth. That one will definitely be surgery; plastic surgery to be more precise...what do you think should I get a tummy tuck or a butt lift while he's at it?

I'm getting pretty used to all of this and meeting more and more of the staff with each passing day. The transport folks and some of the pre-op nurses were quite impressed when I greeted several people by name as we made our way from my room to the pre-op staging area and into the OR. I can almost recite the questions that they ask by heart now and someone suggested I may get my anesthesia certification before this is done. No thanks. I'm ready to be done now and don't have any desire to work in the medical field. Everyone agrees that I've been here too long and have made too many trips to the OR. This whole ordeal has certainly given me a perspective on being in the hospital that I never had before. I know it will come in handy to be more understanding and supportive of anyone going through this in the future, but that will definitely be as a visitor and not as someone in scrubs.

I've been communicating with a lot of friends through Facebook and as a result got two visitors yesterday. My friend Anne who I've known since junior high sent her brother Steven (who was in Becky's class) here on a mission to deliver bon bons and puzzle books. Steven works in Baltimore and I was quite surprised to see him since its been about 15-20 years since I last saw him. I was extremely touched and the "bon bons" were Edy's Dibs (ice cream bites) so I had to eat them all immediately since they were melting. I didn't mind at all.

My other visitor was LeAnn Hodges our church's former Associate Pastor and a really good friend. LeAnn was very supportive of me when Danielle was going through some very difficult times back in 2002. She was instrumental in my becoming involved with the church again and she's who recommended that I apply for the Youth Director job. The session also contracted her to be my mentor for my first six months on the job. She now works in Rockville at a different Presbyterian church, so we don't see each other that often, but stay in touch via computer and phone. She is off this week and was heading to a retreat outside of Baltimore, so she made a detour on the way there to visit with me. It was great to see her. She's got an amazing smile and an infectious laugh that were good medicine.

Today, mom and dad came up and were here when I came out of the OR. I'm also expecting visits from Danielle, Becky, Dan (the youth minister from the Episcopal church), and my good friend Craig.

In the mean time there is a very attentive and very pretty nursing student who is checking on me quite frequently. I know, I know.....but I'm just looking for the silver lining.

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