Thursday, October 23, 2008

For my conservative friends that need a push...a video

I know that there are some of you out there who aren't Democrats and the thought of a "liberal" president worries you. I know that you aren't all members like me who are excited to vote for Barack and you worry that if you do cast that vote you may be perceived to be the same type of bleeding-heart-liberal-hippie-weirdo that I am.

Rest assured - 1) your ballot is private and 2) you will not instantly become a soldier of the far left.

Here is a video of Republicans and/or conservatives that are voting their conscience this election. I would venture to say that they aren't excited about their decision, some even look a little bothered by it, but they all admit it is the right decision to make. The stakes are too high and the McCain/Palin choice is wrong.

Will you put your country first? or your party?

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