Sunday, December 14, 2008

They were a size ten

It's no secret that I'm no fan of George W. Bush, but this is just crazy. An Iraqi reporter threw his shoes (yes that is plural) at our President while in a joint press conference with Iraq's President Malachi. Bush was there to celebrate the signing of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) on an unannounced visit. Bush's reaction is pretty calm and cool. He ducks enough to dodge both shoes, but he remained upright and staring right at his assailant who was quickly taken to the ground and subdued. Bush later joked that "all (he) can report is that they were size 10." Somehow White House spokesperson Dana Perino managed to get a black eye out out of the deal during the scuffle to tackle the journalist. She's not visible in the video, but apparently was right in the thick of it.

And they thought Helen Thomas was tough!!

UPDATE - It didn't take long for several online games giving you a chance to virtually throw a few shoes yourself to pop up. Here's one.

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