Friday, December 5, 2008

Therapy and Blue Jeans

I haven't written in a while because there hasn't been much to report since my big appointment with Dr. Brumback last week.

I stopped in to the physical therapy clinic and made an appointment with Jessica. She didn't have any openings until the 22nd, so I'm on the cancellation list in case anything opens up sooner. I was disappointed that I have to wait, but luckily I've been through this already and can get a head start. I did get to talk to her though and have been doing my exercises at home this past week.

Being free of the leg brace has certainly made life much simpler. I can actually wear real clothes again. I don't think I've had jeans on since March. Its amazing the little things that one learns to appreciate when you have to do without for a while.

Other than that I've been working on youth stuff and had several meetings this week. We're gearing up for this year's confirmation class, getting the spring calendar finalized and working on an alternative worship service for the older elementary school kids. It is good to be busy.

It is hard to believe that Advent has arrived. I love the anticipation of what is to come.

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