Monday, December 22, 2008

Physical Therapy Begins (again)

I had my first appointment with Jessica today. I've been doing my exercises at home since Thanksgiving when I was cleared for therapy by Dr. Brumback, but this was the first actual appointment. I had to fill out all the new patient forms and be evaluated again so that they have a base line for this time around. I know that my knee is bending more now that it did at Thanksgiving when I got the go ahead to start working on it, but I was still pleasantly surprised that she measured it at 40 degrees when I was just sitting on the edge of the table and letting it "dangle." She was able to gently push it to 53 degrees without any major pain, so that's a great starting point. She said that she could feel a great deal of difference. There was resistance, but she said it felt more like soft tissue and not the bone on bone contact that I had through the spring and summer. She also thought it looked much more like a normal knee than it ever did before --normal except for the nasty scar and bulging muscle flap/skin graft area of course.

Jessica said that she and Amanda (the PT Director) will both be working with me and that they were going to enroll me in the Knee Group that meets every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. They are apparently really booked up and getting appointments is pretty difficult. This way I'll have two standing appointments every week. She said the group is mostly younger patients with ACL and other sports related injuries as opposed to other groups which are mostly knee replacements on older patients, so it should be a good fit for me.

I'm pretty happy with how things went and glad to be starting a new phase of the recovery process.

I picked up my last present on the way home and have already wrapped it, so I'm pretty well set for Christmas.

Dad, Jesko, Bill, Steve and Matt Hays and I are all heading to the Maryland basketball game tonight. Go Terps!!

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