Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It is now officially my birthday...

Not that I'm planning anything exciting to celebrate (much to Danielle's dismay I might add). She's been trying to get me to commit to "doing something" but honestly I'm not that into it. I'm going to a staff meeting at noon (there will be snacks or dessert or something yummy), maybe to the MVA to renew my driver's license (my license looks like this and I have looked like this for three years now) and then I'm looking to play it by ear.

I'm 38 today for those wondering.

I don't feel any different mentally, but I've certainly had quite the year as far as my aching body is concerned. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, started sleeping with a CPAP machine, and then of course shattered my tibia at the knee.

As Indiana Jones says in Raider's of the Lost Ark - "It's not the years, its the mileage."

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