Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Second Opinions

A couple of developments today.

Dr. Ove's assistant Pam called to say that Worker's Comp approved the second opinion with one of the joint replacement specialists in his group (Orthopaedic and Sport Medicine Center). Dr. Ove will be bringing up my case tonight at a meeting with the other doctors and see if either of the two joint replacement guys that he mentioned to me yesterday is "up to the challenge" of working on my knee. They will be calling me on Thursday to schedule an appointment if either one thinks that they may be able to help me. I also got a chance to ask them about my PT and the JAS Splint. He said to continue so that we don't lose any of the gains that we have made so far.

The orthotics department was waiting to hear back from insurance before scheduling to fit my new brace. I could have gotten it today, but I would have had to sign that I would cover the $1200 price tag if worker's comp decides not to cover it. I decided to wait.

Dave, one of my friends from church, who sells medical supplies (artificial knees, steel plates, etc.) to doctors, was looking into some names for me to get a second opinion. He called yesterday with a name. It happened to be the top orthopaedic doctor in Annapolis (who was high on my list of docs that I wanted to try to see) and Dave already talked to him about me. The doctor was willing to look at my films and give me his opinion. When I spoke to Dave this evening I found out that the doctor has already looked at my x-rays on the hospital computer intranet (at least the ones that were taken in the ER and the day my surgery was done). He said that Dr. Ove did a really good job, but due to the severity of my break it was not surprising that it is caving in. He didn't think that he would be the right doctor to take on my case and suggested that I need to see a traumatologist due to the complicated fracture pattern and the severity of my injury. Dave is going to give him some updated information, show him my full set of x-rays and ask him give me a call tomorrow though. They both have recommended a doctor in Baltimore that specializes in orthopaedic traumas and his resume appears pretty impressive.

The only thing that I don't know at the moment is what the procedure for getting an additional second opinion approved by worker's comp entails. I spoke to the insurance company today, but my claims adjuster said that the answer would come from the independent liaison assigned to my case by the state who is familiar with specific Maryland law. I'll try her tomorrow.

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