Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Diagnosis and Game Plan

So, This is what I've done to my leg. The main difference between what I 've done and this picture is that I managed to smash the other side of the bone. The inside of my knee, not the outside where the fibula attaches.
Apparently these are not very common and everyone in the ER was quite excited to see and share my xrays with each other. When I showed up at the orthopedics office on Friday morning they had already seen the films and were quite impressed. So were the folks at the imaging place that did my CT scan. This would go along with Danielle's philosophy that if you are going to do something, do it big. Dr. Ove drained over 100 cc's of blood off of my knee Friday and again Monday morning which helped a lot with the pressure and pain. Now that I've stopped taking the Ibuprofen hopefully that bleeding will slow considerably. I was fitted with new brace on Friday and given additional prescriptions for Oxycodone and Tramadol. Got the call today that surgery will definitely be on Friday and will be outpatient. Not that I really want to spend the night in the hospital, but I'm pretty surprised that they aren't keeping me overnight. Dr. Ove plans on using plates, screws and bone filler cement to rebuild the top of the bone and get everything lined up where it should be. I will have to stay off my feet for 6 weeks following surgery and rehab is expected to be 3 to 6 months before I can really start working with my leg again. This is going to be quite the test.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Chris... way to go. I actually just saw Dr. Ove today for my knee -- the main difference though is that my knee isn't shattered, just apparently a little bit strained.

But you definitely "did it big" this time. Congrats.

Oh, and good luck with that pesky recovery time. Not moving is a lot harder than it sounds, believe it or not; take it from a guy who couldn't use his right foot for 2 weeks.