Friday, July 11, 2008

The Media's Love Affair with McCain

A great piece listing and detailing all of the McCain items that were glossed over for the most part by the media this past week over at Huffington Post.

During this past week: McCain called the most important entitlement program in the U.S. a disgrace, his top economic adviser called the American people whiners, McCain released an economic plan that no one thought was serious, he flip flopped on Iraq, joked about the deaths of Iranian citizens, and denied making comments that he clearly made -- TWICE. All this and it is not even Friday! Yet watching and reading the mainstream press you would think McCain was having a pretty decent political week, I mean at least Jesse Jackson didn't say anything about him.

Obama said something slightly nuanced about Iraq last Thursday and the holiday weekend was filled with talk of running for the center, flip-flop charges, abandoning the stances that won him the primary etc. etc. The media wants a close race so badly that they are willing to behave like the disgraced NBA referees to ensure that the race remains tight (or at least appears so).

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