Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Waiting for Appointments and feeling old

I am now in limbo waiting for appointments to see the two doctors to which I have been referred. One is a knee replacement specialist and one is a trauma specialist. The options appear to be 1) attempt to rebuild the top of my shin bone (tibia) 2) a partial knee replacement or 3) a total knee replacement. I am going to see both of the doctors, gather as much information as possible and try to make the most informed decision that I can.

The orthotics department and my workman's comp. insurance finally got together and I got my new knee brace on Thursday afternoon. It's a bit tight, but it does provide a lot of support and transfer the weight away from the trouble side of my knee. I gave it a pretty good test this weekend at my 20 year high school reunion. I was on my feet a good deal of the time and didn't have too much pain (maybe the beer and scotch helped).

It was a weekend of feeling older actually. I went to see the new Batman movie on Friday with a friend from church. First thought -- Boy was it loud! I liked it, but I still go with Michael Keaton for my favorite Batman and the first movie with Jack Nicholson as the best Batman film. Tim Burton directing with Danny Elfman doing the score is hard to beat. Heath Ledger was fantastic though. He deserves all of the rave reviews that he has been getting.

As if a 20 year reunion wasn't enough to make one feel old, having to use a cane and be reminded to "please sit down" by Danielle every so often certainly was. Then after the reunion a handful of us headed downtown to McGarvey's Saloon to continue our reminiscing. Seems the doorman doesn't card you when you are wearing a "Class of 1988" nametag. Boy did the rest of the clientel look young. Derek was none too happy when I pointed out that most of them were toddlers when we graduated.

It was great to see old friends and I was chosen "most changed since high school" by my classmates. I guess when you go from being a very preppy, clean shaven, flat top wearing jock headed for the Naval Academy to a dreadlocked, bearded, tatooed, earring wearing hippie youth minister it is well deserved.

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