Sunday, July 6, 2008

They're Off

My sister, father, two youth from our church and two youth from the Czech Republic just left for a week at Montreat Conference Center for a Youth Conference. Montreat is owned and operated by the Presbyterian Church (USA). It is located in western North Carolina just outside of Asheville. I was supposed to be chaperoning the trip with Becky, but my knee did not adhere to the schedule of healing that would have allowed me to do it so I had to pass. Despite my disappointment at not being with them I am feeling quite a sense of relief that they are on their way and that the week has begun. I think a large part of that is due to the last minute scramble to find a replacement and to pull all the final details together. It was quite a week.
From the early days of my injury we knew that there was a possibility that I wouldn't be able to go. Regardless of discussions about this possibility and having a back up plan in place I think I was in denial until my June 15th doctor's appointment. By the end of June I made the decision not to go so that I could go to my PT appointments and keep up with my exercises. I wouldn't have been able to help with the driving and Jessica said that 8 hours in the car would be really hard on me and counter productive.
Monday morning our back up chaperon found out she couldn't go. We had a few other possibilities, but none of them panned out. By Friday noon we were really starting to worry. There were many phone calls and discussions during 4th of July celebrations and then once a solution was decided there were lots of logistics to figure out and pull together. Thanks to the help of both pastors at our church, my family and several other selfless volunteers it all came together and they are on their way.

UPDATE 6PM- Just talked to my father and to Becky and everyone has safely arrived and are getting settled in.

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