Thursday, July 31, 2008
Who is like Britney???
Here is a news clip of the pop singer in the lead up to the Iraq war (footage from Fahrenheit 9/11)
And here is the republican nominee --
Hmmm....That's some judgement right there.
UPDATE: Someone with video editing skills had the same idea that I did...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
Here is the first one that I created from a document that I will go into more detail about at a later date.
Go try it out for yourself at You may need to update your Java plug in to make it work as I did, but the links for that are in the site's FAQ section and it only takes a few minutes.
UPDATE: Here's one I made from a letter that I wrote to my grandmother back in 2002.
UPDATE 2: I'm addicted now. I've got a little gallery of my own going now.
Waiting for Appointments and feeling old
The orthotics department and my workman's comp. insurance finally got together and I got my new knee brace on Thursday afternoon. It's a bit tight, but it does provide a lot of support and transfer the weight away from the trouble side of my knee. I gave it a pretty good test this weekend at my 20 year high school reunion. I was on my feet a good deal of the time and didn't have too much pain (maybe the beer and scotch helped).
It was a weekend of feeling older actually. I went to see the new Batman movie on Friday with a friend from church. First thought -- Boy was it loud! I liked it, but I still go with Michael Keaton for my favorite Batman and the first movie with Jack Nicholson as the best Batman film. Tim Burton directing with Danny Elfman doing the score is hard to beat. Heath Ledger was fantastic though. He deserves all of the rave reviews that he has been getting.
As if a 20 year reunion wasn't enough to make one feel old, having to use a cane and be reminded to "please sit down" by Danielle every so often certainly was. Then after the reunion a handful of us headed downtown to McGarvey's Saloon to continue our reminiscing. Seems the doorman doesn't card you when you are wearing a "Class of 1988" nametag. Boy did the rest of the clientel look young. Derek was none too happy when I pointed out that most of them were toddlers when we graduated.
It was great to see old friends and I was chosen "most changed since high school" by my classmates. I guess when you go from being a very preppy, clean shaven, flat top wearing jock headed for the Naval Academy to a dreadlocked, bearded, tatooed, earring wearing hippie youth minister it is well deserved.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Dancing with the Universe
(This video) brings happiness.I wholeheartedly agree. Check it out.
Someone once said there can be no war while you're dancing. I think they are right.
The story behind this video can be found here or you can check out the Where the Hell is Matt? website.
Update: This got me thinking about another feel good viral video.
A virtual hug for everyone - {{{{{{EVERYONE }}}}}}
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Little Jimmy Buffet Birthday Tune
Jimmy Buffett
I rounded first never thought of the worst
As I studied the shortstop's position
Then crack went my leg like the shell of an egg
Someone call a decent physician
I'm no Pete Rose, I can't pretend
While my mind is quite flexible
these brittle bones don't bend
I'm growing older but not up
My metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck
So let the winds of change blow over my head
I'd rather die while I'm living then live while I'm dead
Sometimes I see me as an old manatee
Heading south as the waters grow colder
He tries to steer clear of the hum drum so near
It cuts prop scars deep in his shoulders
That's how it flows right to the end
His body's still flexible but that
Barnacle brain don't bend
So now don't get me wrong
This is not a sad song
Just events that I have happened to witness
And time takes it's toll as we head for the poll
As the days grow more complicated the night life still wins
Let the winds of change blow over my head
I'd rather die while I'm living then live while I'm dead
(tried posting the song so you could listen to it too, but its not working. Contacting support and will post it if I can)
It is now officially my birthday...
I'm 38 today for those wondering.
I don't feel any different mentally, but I've certainly had quite the year as far as my aching body is concerned. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, started sleeping with a CPAP machine, and then of course shattered my tibia at the knee.
As Indiana Jones says in Raider's of the Lost Ark - "It's not the years, its the mileage."
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Second Opinions
Dr. Ove's assistant Pam called to say that Worker's Comp approved the second opinion with one of the joint replacement specialists in his group (Orthopaedic and Sport Medicine Center). Dr. Ove will be bringing up my case tonight at a meeting with the other doctors and see if either of the two joint replacement guys that he mentioned to me yesterday is "up to the challenge" of working on my knee. They will be calling me on Thursday to schedule an appointment if either one thinks that they may be able to help me. I also got a chance to ask them about my PT and the JAS Splint. He said to continue so that we don't lose any of the gains that we have made so far.
The orthotics department was waiting to hear back from insurance before scheduling to fit my new brace. I could have gotten it today, but I would have had to sign that I would cover the $1200 price tag if worker's comp decides not to cover it. I decided to wait.
Dave, one of my friends from church, who sells medical supplies (artificial knees, steel plates, etc.) to doctors, was looking into some names for me to get a second opinion. He called yesterday with a name. It happened to be the top orthopaedic doctor in Annapolis (who was high on my list of docs that I wanted to try to see) and Dave already talked to him about me. The doctor was willing to look at my films and give me his opinion. When I spoke to Dave this evening I found out that the doctor has already looked at my x-rays on the hospital computer intranet (at least the ones that were taken in the ER and the day my surgery was done). He said that Dr. Ove did a really good job, but due to the severity of my break it was not surprising that it is caving in. He didn't think that he would be the right doctor to take on my case and suggested that I need to see a traumatologist due to the complicated fracture pattern and the severity of my injury. Dave is going to give him some updated information, show him my full set of x-rays and ask him give me a call tomorrow though. They both have recommended a doctor in Baltimore that specializes in orthopaedic traumas and his resume appears pretty impressive.
The only thing that I don't know at the moment is what the procedure for getting an additional second opinion approved by worker's comp entails. I spoke to the insurance company today, but my claims adjuster said that the answer would come from the independent liaison assigned to my case by the state who is familiar with specific Maryland law. I'll try her tomorrow.
The big follow up with my doctor was today
The bad news is that as I've been putting more weight on my leg and graduating from two crutches, to one crutch, and most recently to a cane for the last week and a half the left side of my femur has been pushing down harder on my tibia. When Dr. Ove looked at my newest xrays he said that it was "caving in" where he rebuilt the crushed section of my tibia. The pain that I've been experiencing recently certainly makes a lot of sense given this news. He said that also was most likely why my range of motion hasn't progressed much further. He said scar tissue may be an issue too, but it appears to be the bones touching that is the biggest problem.
He thinks that a partial knee replacement is probably the best course of action for me, but he doesn't do those. He gave me the names of two joint replacement guys in this practice and we mentioned getting a second opinion. He thought that was a fine idea and Pam, his assistant said that since I'm a worker's compensation case, they would most likely insist on it. She said that most likely they will tell me who to get the 2nd opinion from. So I've got some phone calls to make to find out what the procedure is to get another opinion and then will need to see a replacement specialist and schedule surgery.
Since I'll need to get a second opinion they gave me a complete set of xrays and MRIs to take to whoever workman's comp sends me to. I scanned most of them while at my parents' house tonight. You can check them out here.
So it is a little troubling that I've probably got more surgery coming up (once I find out what hurdles we have to jump through), but at least now I feel like we've got a revised game plan.
He also wrote me a prescription for a new type of brace that will help transfer the pressure from the weak side of my knee to the outside of my knee. That should make it less painful to walk around while we navigate the insurance waters, schedule appointments and see other doctors. The orthodics department couldn't squeeze me in today before my PT appointment. I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone by scheduling both appointments for the same day and attempted to get the brace too, but couldn't. I've got to make an appointment to go back and get it fitted later this week.
I've also got to call the doctor with more questions that came up after the appointment at physical therapy. Jessica and I both wondered if I should continue to wear the JAS Splint and continue to push my knee to bend any further if the bones are the problem.
So that's the leg news for now. I'll post updates with news as this story continues to unfold.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Gun Giveaway at a Youth Conference
That's what was scheduled to happen at Windsor Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, but unfortunately the giveaway portion of the event was cancelled because the Pastor Emeritus who ran the shooting contest in previous years won't be able to attend due to bone spurs in his feet. At least that's what was reported on local news channel KOCO 5
I did a double take when I read this article over at Crooks and Liars, but followed the link that they provided to the local TV station's story about the contest. The story includes footage from last year's shooting contest of a teen shooting an Uzi sub machine gun on fully automatic setting (which the reporters got off of the church's web site I might add).
I can't believe they didn't have anything like this for our youth at Montreat this past week. (please note sarcasm)
Well it appears that the contest and giveaway are back on as scheduled. Hooray!?
This quote was taken from the church's web site advertising the conference -
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!Although the shooting competition that was to take place during the Youth Conference had been canceled, due to false statements* made by the Oklahoma City TV Channel 5 (KOCO) and subsequently reported also by media outlets across the country, an AR-15 was donated last Saturday so that the competition could go on as planned. If Congress, back when our country was fighting for its independence could give engraved muskets to the fifteen or so eleven year old boys that their teacher, Mr. Akins, led into battle against the British, then we can give away a firearm still today, especially since our Supreme Court just re-emphasized our Second Amendment rights.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
What does Sen. McCain changing the football team in his POW story indicate?
The Steelers were 4-9-1 the year he was captured. They didn't become a dynasty or have a defensive line that anyone outside of western PA cared to know the names of until the mid 70's. McCain was home by 1973.
So, what does this mean?
Is this a harmless mistake?
Is he pandering to Pennsylvania voters?
Is his memory that bad that he forgot a key detail of the experience that we are constantly told defines the man?
Rachel Maddow and Richard Wolffe discuss this on Friday's Countdown.
They're Home
Saturday, July 12, 2008
So Gen. Clark can't comment on McCain's military past...
Two key quotes -
AndPeople often ask if I was a Prisoner of War with John McCain. My answer is always "No - John McCain was a POW with me." The reason is I was there for 8 years and John got there 2 ½ years later, so he was a POW for 5 ½ years. And we have our own seniority system, based on time as a POW.
I furthermore believe that having been a POW is no special qualification for being President of the United States. The two jobs are not the same, and POW experience is not, in my opinion, something I would look for in a presidential candidate.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Media's Love Affair with McCain
Obama said something slightly nuanced about Iraq last Thursday and the holiday weekend was filled with talk of running for the center, flip-flop charges, abandoning the stances that won him the primary etc. etc. The media wants a close race so badly that they are willing to behave like the disgraced NBA referees to ensure that the race remains tight (or at least appears so).During this past week: McCain called the most important entitlement program in the U.S. a disgrace, his top economic adviser called the American people whiners, McCain released an economic plan that no one thought was serious, he flip flopped on Iraq, joked about the deaths of Iranian citizens, and denied making comments that he clearly made -- TWICE. All this and it is not even Friday! Yet watching and reading the mainstream press you would think McCain was having a pretty decent political week, I mean at least Jesse Jackson didn't say anything about him.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
They're Off
From the early days of my injury we knew that there was a possibility that I wouldn't be able to go. Regardless of discussions about this possibility and having a back up plan in place I think I was in denial until my June 15th doctor's appointment. By the end of June I made the decision not to go so that I could go to my PT appointments and keep up with my exercises. I wouldn't have been able to help with the driving and Jessica said that 8 hours in the car would be really hard on me and counter productive.
Monday morning our back up chaperon found out she couldn't go. We had a few other possibilities, but none of them panned out. By Friday noon we were really starting to worry. There were many phone calls and discussions during 4th of July celebrations and then once a solution was decided there were lots of logistics to figure out and pull together. Thanks to the help of both pastors at our church, my family and several other selfless volunteers it all came together and they are on their way.
UPDATE 6PM- Just talked to my father and to Becky and everyone has safely arrived and are getting settled in.
Friday, July 4, 2008
A New Declaration for Our Times
I signed the pledge..will you? People's Campaign for the Constitution