Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Progress on the second opinion front

I've been having some problems getting an appointment with the trauma specialist in Baltimore that was recommended. Actually I was having problems getting to speak to anyone to even find out if an appointment was possible, and if so when. Until today that is.

After getting Dr. Brumback's name from my friend Dave, I requested an appointment through a form on the Internet. After submitting the form, waiting 4 days, leaving a voicemail at the doctor's office, waiting a few more days, repeating and getting no response I decided to see if Dave or the doctor that he consulted with had any connections to help me get an appointment. Once again Dave came through. He asked a coworker who calls on Union Memorial to stop by and see what they could find out. Turns out the doctor's assistant hadn't gotten the requests. She and I were able to connect this afternoon and I will be able to get an appointment the week of the 18th. I have to get workman's compensation to pre-approve the appointment, but I don't foresee that as a problem and I feel really good after speaking to the doctor's assistant.

I've also got an appointment on the 27th with the joint replacement specialist in my current doctor's practice. I'm hoping that a replacement won't be necessary, but now that I know I'm going to see both doctors I feel like I'll be able to make an informed decision and schedule the next step in this recovery process.

Both doctor's actually offered me appointments next week, but that's the week of our family vacation at Deep Creek Lake in western Maryland. I know I haven't worked since March, but I really need a vacation from my couch, physical therapy and doctor's appointments at the very least. And my family can use a break from walking my dogs and driving me to appointments. My father offered to drive me back for the appointment if that was the only time that he could see me, but I don't want anything to interrupt our vacation.

One other item that I haven't written about is physical therapy. Jessica knows that insurance will only pay for a finite number of appointments per year and she doesn't want me to use them up while we aren't expecting any more progress. So she talked it over with Dr. Ove and they moved me to the "step down" program until after my next surgery. I can use the PT office like a gym membership. I'm allowed to come in and use the equipment without an appointment and do my exercises on my own. So that's what I'm going to do until after surgery. Exercise at home, at the office and use the JAS splint to maintain the range of motion that I currently have. I'll start back with Jessica after surgery.

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