Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Get to work

This ad doesn't even scratch the surface of McCain's absenteeism.

He hasn't voted on anything since April 8th.

Last month there was the big Medicare bill that was so important that Ted Kennedy, who is being treated for brain cancer, felt it was too important to miss. It was so important that 99 out of the 100 Senators were there. John McCain is the ONLY senator that missed that vote.

He is the MOST ABSENT Senator in the 110th Congress. He has missed more that 60% of the votes.

Why didn't he campaign on the weekends every once in a while so that maybe he could have shown up to vote a few times this spring? He doesn't work weekends!

I guess since he is running to replace the most vacationing president ever that isn't such a big deal. But don't call him "Bush's third term" he's soooo different from Bush..

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