Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's VP Pick - Gov. Palin, really?

John McCain has certainly surprised everyone with his pick of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska today. A man who would be the oldest president ever should he win, and who has had repeated bouts of cancer just picked a woman who almost no one knows, who has very little experience and is currently being investigated for an abuse-of-power scandal in her state.

It's great that McCain picked a woman, but anyone that has been saying that Obama isn't experienced enough or prepared to be president needs to take a good hard look at who John McCain thinks should be a heartbeat away from being president of the United States.

She's got four years on the city council and then three terms as mayor of a town of about 8000 people before her current post. She's been governor of Alaska for less than two years and was supported by Senator Ted "Bridge to know-where, the Internet is a series of tubes" Stevens. Not much of a record to run on.

On the Issues, a site that tracks each politicians' stance on key issues has quite a few holes on her page due to the fact that she is quite new. (For comparison check out Obama, Biden, and McCain's pages). She's so out of her league its not even funny.

And as for her picking up the leftover Hillary supporters, I wonder how well that will work once they know that she thought Hillary was a "whiner."

1. I've heard her referred to as Dan Quayle with a ponytail. Kinda funny, hope it sticks.
2. TV people can't figure out if its pronounced PAY-LIN or PAL-IN.
3. Many conservatives are apparently ready to take hemlock after this decision.
4. KOS also has some pretty interesting things about what she said about the war not too long ago and about the financial blunder that she made as mayor that has her small town strapped with higher taxes and programs being cut back.


EVEN LATER UPDATE - When I first saw this video of course the "What does a VP do all day" crap was shocking, but what didn't sit right with me and I kept stewing about was the "if its good for Alaska" line. Now I know why.

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