Friday, August 29, 2008

Developements and more waiting

After a few days of phone tag I had a chance to speak to Dr. Ove yesterday and also called Dr. Brumback to request a slot for surgery. I don't have one yet, but I'm a few steps closer than I was at the beginning of the week. I came up with a few questions that I have for Dr. B and got a call back from his assistant this morning. She said that he would call me on Tuesday and we would move forward from there. So, its back to the waiting game for at least 4 more days.

In another development on the leg front I have checked another big item off of my list from a few months back - I've been driving for two days now! I'm enjoying and will continue to enjoy some new found independence at least until I have surgery and am again going to be in the back seat.

My car which has been sitting since March 21st has been looking quite abandoned. So much so that the city police dropped by about a month ago to inquire about it and that on Tuesday there was an orange tag saying that it would be towed away in 48 hours if it wasn't moved. So Dad and I got the compressor out, filled the tires that were very low on air and covered with cobwebs and attempted to jump start it (unsuccessfully). The plan was that we would get it running and then move it to his driveway or mine. While we attempted to jump it I sat in the driver's seat and realized that I would be able to move my foot from gas to break much easier than I had thought. So Wednesday after my battery was fully charge by the Battery Warehouse I decided to give driving around the neighborhood a shot.

To my utter delight I was successful. I've taken Danielle out for some errands, was able to drive my buddy Dan to pick his car up from the shop and myself to a meeting at church today. I'm going to get a temporary handicap tag and look forward to more time behind the wheel before surgery.

At least now I know that even if I only get back to where I am now post-surgery that I will be able to be more independent than I have been for some months now.

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