Thursday, August 28, 2008

McCain Advisor Solves Healthcare Problem!! Re-define it away.

John Goodman, who is an advisor to John McCain and one of the authors of his health care proposal, has come up with a solution to the 47 million uninsured Americans. In his mind since it is illegal for an ER to turn away a patient who needs care then technically no one is uninsured. If we would just change the way they are categorized on the census, then we could fix all sorts of problems -

Lets see -
If we were to consider washing, feeding and dressing yourself as work then no one would be unemployed any more.
If we considered tents, boxes, and bridges as domiciles then - no more homeless.
As long as there are people in society who can read things to you then voila, no more illiteracy!

Wow, this is fun and easy. I'll bet we could end the war and terrorism this way too if we could just come up with the proper way of framing it.......

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