Friday, March 13, 2009

An Update on My Future Plans Post

It turns out that this was not announced at the session meeting as expected, so I jumped the gun a little in posting this item. Not a huge foul, but not the order in which I intended this information to be disseminated. So if you are a Session member who is looking back at the minutes of the meeting wondering "how did I miss that?", the answer is - you didn't. Also, the next step in the process will be for someone from the Presbytery's Committe on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) to meet with our Session to brief them on the process and their responsibilities.

As far as the timing of my plans, I should have mentioned that I am thinking about starting school in the fall of 2010 in order to give me time to visit and research the various schools that I will be considering. I have no intention of leaving my position as Director of Youth Ministries at this time. If and when I make that decision will be dependant upon when and where I decide to go to school (and if the Session and Presbytery's committee's support my application). There are seminaries in Baltimore and Washington that I could attend without relocating or leaving my youth position. They are not within my denomination though so that would add extra steps after obtaining my degree in order to meet the Presbyterian Church's requirements for ordination. The Presbyterian seminaries are all out of state, so if I do decide to go to one of them that would require some changes. But those decisions are down the road a ways and there are many many variables to consider.

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