Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Milestone

So this isn't quite the milestone that driving again was or not using the wheelchair anymore, but it was a big one socially and emotionally - I went to a concert at Ram's Head Live on Monday night. Now, you might think that's not such a big deal. I went to an Orioles game last fall and a Maryland Terps basketball game this winter, so what's the big deal about going to a concert, right? There were several factors that explain why I'm feeling especially good about this:
  • The concert was Monday night right after my two hour plus physical therapy session
  • The people that I went with were already in Baltimore, so I had to drive myself to and from the show.
  • The venue is basically a dance club, so there is very little seating available

Doing anything after therapy has been a near impossibility until quite recently. Just a couple of weeks ago I would come home from therapy, set aside my cane and grab both crutches not wanting to put any weight on my leg. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch elevate my leg and ice it. So when Dan asked me last Thursday if I wanted to go I was intrigued, but told him not to get his hopes up. Add to that the fact that I would have to drive myself which would be more work for my leg. I would easily be able to wimp out, drive myself home after therapy and just not show up. The fear of not having seating and being in too much pain or not having the leg strength to drive myself home was also a concern. I've got to continue to be careful not to overdo it, but I've also got to make sure that I don't start using my disability as an excuse not to do things. So I went for it. I feel like a runner who has "hit the wall" and pushed through it. Obviously there is a very real physical component to how I'm doing and what I can do, but there is a huge mental component to contend with too.

I can't say it enough - Thank you so much for -

  • Dr. Brumback's surgical skills
  • The expertise of Amanda, Jessica, Sarah, Patty, Don and the whole gang at OSMC and for continuing to pushing me
  • My parents' continued support (and help with the dogs) despite both of them joining me as knee patients
  • Becky for all her emotional support and help with the youth group
  • Family and friends who continue to cheer me on and never seem to tire of my constant updates on my progress (even especially if you are tired of it and are faking it for my sake. I love you for it.)
  • First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis as an employer and as a faith community has given me more than I can ever put into words.

Without all of you I would not be as far along in my recovery as I am today.

Who, you ask was playing in Baltimore on Monday night that also helped inspire me to push through that mental wall? THE WAILERS as in Bob Marley and the.... Bob unfortunately passed away in 1981, but the band has found a very good lead singer in Elan Atias and they sounded fantastic. For this tour they are performing the entire 1977 album Exodus (plus some choice encore numbers). If you are a reggae fan this is a show to see. I made sure to snag a bar stool so that I could sit, but once the Wailers took the stage I couldn't resist the urge to stand, and although I don't think it was technically dancing, I was grooving along with the crowd.

ONE LOVE! "Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel alright!"

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