Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You Veterans

If you didn't watch the NBC Nightly News last night you missed a really good story of how the Canadians have been welcoming home their fallen soldiers from the War in Iraq. Granted they haven't had the 4500+ that we have lost, but they have repeated this amazing welcome home for every single soldier that has died.

While our government has been banning photographers from showing us the coffins arriving at Air Force bases and the funerals tend to be private family affairs with a story in the local papers, our neighbors to the north have a very impressive ritual along 100 miles of highway leading to Toronto that you won't believe until you see it.

To the Canadians I say - well done.

I truly wish that we had something like this, but fear that it would get mired down in the "are you for or against the war" debate.

To our soldiers and the families that have lost loved ones - we may not be as good at showing or saying it, but we honor your service just the same regardless of whether we are for or against the war(s).

Today we not only honor those that have fallen, but all those who serve and who have served and their families for the sacrifice that they have made on our behalf.


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