Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Better Than Expected

The way that things have gone with my knee injury and recovery I've learned that realistic (and even pessimistic) expectations are a good way to keep from being disappointed and discouraged. So I went into today's appointment figuring that I would have an x-ray taken, Dr. Brumback would look at it, and he would -

a) tell me things were OK, but it was too soon to tell and he would need to see me again before making any decisions.
b) say things didn't appear to be healing and the infection may be back. OR
c) say things looked OK and we would start physical therapy to strengthen my leg and work on bending it some.

My appointment with Dr. Brumback today went so much better than expected. Not only did he write my a prescription for PT, but he also said that I could stop wearing the leg brace and slowly begin to work on putting some weight on that leg.

He was very pleased with the x-ray and authorized me to do so much more than I anticipated in my wildest dreams. I was expecting to be totally non-weight bearing until mid-December based on his prognosis after surgery in September and assumed that the infection was going to extend that time line into the new year.

I am thrilled. Mom, Dad and I stopped at Chevy's for margaritas and quesadillas to celebrate on the way home.

I'm not out of the woods yet when it comes to the infection and may never be completely. It is most likely to reoccur withing six weeks of stopping the antibiotics, but could rear its head in a year, ten or more possibly. Its something that he said he will always be on the look out for and will factor into the decision for any future surgeries (which will hopefully be a long way off). My next appointment is in six weeks and now I can shift into the next phase of my recovery - physical therapy. Hopefully I can get back in at the same place I was before and work with Jessica again.

It sure is nice to have some good news to share for a change!!

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