Saturday, November 15, 2008

Finished with the Antibiotics

As I type this I am about to disconnect the final "grenade" of antibiotics from my PICC line and flush the lines with saline and heparin for the last time. Six weeks was actually up on Tuesday, but the pharmacy sent me enough medicine to take twice a day through today. I spoke to Dr. Campbell (the germ doc) and he said to take it all even though it was slightly over 6 weeks.

Wendy my home care nurse is coming at 9am to remove the PICC line from my arm. Yippee!!

I also finished with the blood thinner yesterday, so no more shots in the stomach. Hopefully it's out of my system already, or will be by morning. The doctors and nurse don't appear to be concerned about pulling the line considering the Lovenox I've been taking, so I'm taking my cue from them. I will feel much better once I see that it isn't bleeding and that the hole has clotted, healed and closed though.

So now I will be completely off of all of the medicine that has been such a big part of my daily routine and anxiously awaiting the appointment with Dr. Brumback on the 25th.

As much as I am happy to be free of the medication I think the wait and see time may end up being more difficult. I won't have the routine of something to do or the medication intervals to keep my mind busy. Luckily I'm feeling much better and getting around is getting much easier. So I'm planning on keeping myself busy with work and hopefully will be getting out of the house more often.

As they say - this is the moment of truth. Is the infection gone or will it return? We'll find out in a few weeks.

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