Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Pool is OPEN!!

Today I got to do something that made me feel more like my old self than just about anything else physical that I can think of. I got to go swimming. Now to many that may not seem like a very big deal or perhaps just a typical Memorial Day weekend thing. Those of you that knew me through my younger years understand why this is so monumental in light of my recent injury.

For those of you that have only known me as an adult, a little background. From age ten until about twenty the only activities that I logged more time at were school and sleeping. I swam competitively year round for the Navy Juniors and played water polo for the Annapolis Water Polo Club. I was an all-state backstroker and chosen for a national development camp for water polo that was held at the Olympic Training Center. I say this not to brag but to give context for why going swimming meant so much to me today.

I have been more than a little frustrated by the limitations that have been imposed upon me by my broken leg, but today I got to feel quite normal. My current status still brought some challenges, specifically getting in and out of the pool. But once I was free of crutches and knee brace and in the water, I was able to swim laps like anyone else. Now I'm about twenty years past my prime, but I would venture to say that anyone that didn't see me before I got in the pool had no idea that I'm a bit....uh...lame at the moment.

I also got to try out "walking" on the bottom in the 4 to 5 foot section of the pool. At that depth I am buoyant enough so that I can work on strengthening my leg without the aid of crutches or a knee brace. I guess it is kind of like my version of water aerobics.

So I'm looking forward to daily swims to keep myself in shape and hopefully to speed up my recovery. I'm also looking forward to warmer weather and warmer water.

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