Wednesday, June 3, 2009

CPM Interview

Last night I had my interview with the Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) at the Baltimore Presbytery offices. I arrived on time, but the committee was running a little behind so I had the opportunity to relax and center myself before they invited me in. I appreciated this since I had cut it closer than I had planned to and was a bit stressed when I finally got in the building and found the correct room for the meeting. As I expected it was more intimidating than meeting with the Session at my home church who know me personally, know my story, know my family and have seen me on the job for the past few years. Last night I only knew one person in the room and all but one member of the committee was a minister, so I felt that there was more pressure to present myself to them than there was at last week's interview. Both were intimidating experiences and the questions were no cake walk, but last night had a little extra something.

I was given the opportunity to make an opening statement and then questioned for about half an hour. The questions were mainly about my sense of call and what lead me to this point in my journey, but did temporarily divert to my exploration of Zen and some theological questions that stemmed from a particular statement that I made in my application. I wasn't expecting that, but apparently I handled it well enough because after being excused for twenty to twenty five minutes I was brought back in and told that the committee would take me under their care. Technically it won't be official until the Presbytery Meeting later this month when the committee presents it to the whole body for approval, but I am now an Inquirer.

Since it will be a little more than a year before I intend to start school my liaison (one of the ministers on the committee) is going to give me some books to read and we will meet periodically to discuss them, as well as my school search and my growth.

Heather, the associate pastor at my church, is a member of the committee and was the familiar face in the room. She didn't ask any questions while I was before the committee, but she did pop out of the meeting as I was leaving to tell me that I had done a fine job and to congratulate me. It was a little harder to get a read on the folks in the room since I didn't know them, so her gesture and compliment meant a lot.

Since last night was committee night at the Presbytery my friends on the Youth Committee were at the offices too. Jenn, Brandon, Vinny and Lauren waited over an hour after their meeting was over for me to be finished and took me out to celebrate at a local Ruby Tuesdays.

I am excited, nervous, humbled and ready to enter into this process.