Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Session Interview

I met with the Session of my church tonight about my application to become an Inquirer. After fielding a handful of questions from the Elders and Pastors I was asked to leave the room so that they could discuss my request and vote on whether or not to recommend me to the Presbytery's Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM).

When I was asked to rejoin the meeting I was greeted by a standing ovation and told that they had voted to support my application.

I have had this sense of call brewing inside of me for quite some time and it is a long process, so there are many steps still ahead of me, but I must say it is a wonderful feeling to have the community that I live and worship with say "yes, we think we sense that call for you too."

I have been invited to meet with the CPM next Tuesday night at the Presbytery Office in Baltimore. It will be a general interview to discuss my sense of call and the process that I intend to begin. If all goes well at that interview then I will enter into a covenant with the committee. They will work with me as I journey towards being ordained. Together we will set goals, monitor my progress spiritually, academically and otherwise to prepare me for a career in ministry.

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