Sunday, June 21, 2009

Highlights of my week

Wow, I've had a pretty busy week. Highlights included -
  • Took care of the dogs on my own for the first full week in over a year.
  • Youth group Sweat Equity last Saturday morning. So nice to wear dirty clothes, smell saw dust, and be around all the work happening on campus again.
  • A couple of meetings at church.
  • Reconnected through Facebook with my USNA roommate Dan. Talked on the phone for a while. Turns out he now lives in Towson and we are going to get together when I get home from the youth trip.
  • Had sushi lunch with Brandon
  • Got a package in the mail with lots of goodies from Sara F.
  • PT twice
  • Hung out with Dan, August, Sara W., and Tammy.
  • Saw UP in 3-D
  • Talked to Megan and Becca in Texas with Skype. Very cool!
  • Saw Doug play at Pusser's (He's there every Friday night out on the deck 5-9pm all Summer)
  • Tied up loose ends for the youth mission trip with a lot of help from Becky.
  • Ran into my college girlfriend, Krissy. Met her husband and three sons.
  • Helped Danielle with her homework (long story)
  • No Internet connection at home for the last 2 days - major Facebook and blog withdrawal symptoms. Trying to get my fill today before I'm away from the PC for 6 days while chaperoning the youth trip with my sister.
  • Attended a full immersion baptism today. First one I've ever seen and the first for our church as far as we are aware. Great day for it. The sun broke through the clouds and there were osprey overhead during the service which was in Bay Ridge. Gundel Bowen and I couldn't help but sing "Down to the river" (song most know from the Allison Krauss version in Oh Brother Where Art Thou?)
  • Missed seeing my dad on Father's Day, but am glad he, mom, John and Pat are having a great time.
  • Laundry, packing and pre-trip jitters.
Tomorrow Becky and I are taking 6 teens from the youth group to the Calvin Center south of Atlanta. I will get to go through airport security for the first time since getting my new hardware and am anxious to see how that goes.

While we are there we will be participating in the Global Villages
A place to be confronted with the never ending conditions that millions live in around the world. It brings people together to live and experience for a pre-determined period of time to understand what and how day to day life occurs in many developing countries.
and their Mission Work Camp.
Through an established connection with Meals on Wheels, elderly home owners are identified that need help with home renovations. Typical projects consist of painting, simple carpentry, yard work, and cleaning.
We're also going to spend a day at Six Flags. I'm sure we'll have lots to share when we return and hopefully will have some good pictures to post as well. I'd better get to bed since I've got to get up early to drop the dogs at the kennel. I hope everyone has a great week! Keep our group in your thoughts and prayers.

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