Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The end of the vehicle saga

I went to Princeton for traffic court yesterday and all is well. I got a very early start and arrived in plenty of time before it was supposed to start. It was long and boring and took several hours until I got to speak to the prosecutor. Once I talked to him and explained the circumstances, it was only about 10 - 15 more minutes before the judge called me. They reduced the charge and I plead guilty to "not being able to produce my registration card." I paid a $33 fine and I was on my way shortly before noon.

I had a really nice lunch with my friend Sara that I met at the Youth Ministry Forum. If you are ever in the Princeton area check out Chambers Walk Cafe. Great food and a nice staff that let me charge my phone battery for the ride home.

I was home by 4:45pm and fell asleep on the couch shortly after (sorry Doug, I sat down to ice my knee and that was all she wrote...)

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