Friday, February 5, 2010

A Recap of Recent Events

My first blog post of 2010. A quick look back shows me that January 2010 is the first month that I didn't post anything since I started this back in March of 2008. The last two months have been a bit of a whirlwind and I did a fair amount of writing for my seminary applications, so I guess that's partially to blame for the lack of writing here.

Youth Job
Things have been pretty busy on the youth front. In January we had our ski trip, the confirmation class retreat to DC for a world religions tour, and last weekend we held our annual fundraiser - the Youth Auction. Each of those alone is a lot of work and pretty exhausting, but all three in the same It was intense.

The budget at church proved to be quite difficult again this year and my position was in jeopardy of being cut. Actually that was the recommendation of the Finance and Stewardship Committee and what I expected to happen. My job has been funded by a special gift and has not been in the actual budget for the three years that I've held it. It was supposed to be added last year, but due to a shortage they were not able to do that. This year when funds came up short again and with the gift practically depleted I was anticipating the position being cut. This had nothing to do with me personally, just a reality of the budget woes. When the session (church elders that make decisions) met to approve the budget, they said NO to the recommendation. They said that the youth program was too important not to have a Youth Director and told the committee to go back to work on the budget. Everyone had to make cuts and the position was added to the permanent budget as was the intention last year. I couldn't be happier with the fact that the church values the youth program and with the message that sends to our youth and their families. Personally there is a downside though - the position, which has been a 15 hour a week part time one has been reduced to a 10 hour a week one with my salary cut by a third. It will require some restructuring of the job responsibilities and the hours that I spend doing youth work. The session said that the primary focus of my position should be face-to-face time with the youth, so the administrative aspects of my job will have to be shifted around a bit. We are in the process of figuring out how that will look going forward.

My first applications, to Princeton Theological Seminary and to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary have been submitted and I am close to being finished with applications to Columbia Theological Seminary and Union-PSCE (Soon to be called Union Presbyterian Seminary). I have visits scheduled to see these schools and am anxious to get a feel for their campuses, meet students and faculty, and get a better sense of where I would like to study. My visit to Union-PSCE was actually supposed to be last week but it was snowed out. Richmond got hit with more than a foot of snow and they had to close campus so the Days for Discovery were canceled.

Workers Comp
On the Workers Compensation front, things are close to being completed. I worked with a vocational counselor from August until about two weeks ago and have been seeking employment to replace the full time job which I am no longer physically able to perform. As you've no doubt seen on the news, the employment situation is bleak. But I have recently had a few interviews and am hopeful that I will find something soon. The next/final step in the workers comp process is to have a permanency hearing. I will have to been seen by a few doctors first and they will determine my permanent impairment. Apparently there is a chart with body parts, percentage impairment and how many week's wages that translates to. With a couple of doctor's reports and this chart they will determine my final impairment "award."(something just sounds wrong about using that word - Congratulations you've permanently broken yourself!) I don't know when that hearing will take place, but I am anxious to have it over and done with to end this chapter.

I don't want to go into too much detail, but
on the marital front I've had a pretty rough couple of months. After over a year of separation Danielle and I agreed to move forward with divorce. Unfortunately, before the process could get underway things got a bit messy. She was struggling with some of her old demons and things got pretty scary. The good news is that she is now doing much better, is getting the help that she needs and I have more hope for her well being than I have had in a couple of years. Things are now moving forward to legally end our marriage but we are on good terms and both want what is best for the other.

Snowpacolypse #2
I write this post from the heart of yet another blizzard. Hard to believe what they are predicting, but based on what's happening outside I think that they are correct that this will be very similar to what we got on December 19th if not worse. This is the third snowfall this week and there are apparently two more coming right behind it. I'm hunkered down with plenty of food, sodas, snacks and more essays to write for grad school applications. So as long as we don't lose power I should be just fine. Actually, even if I do lose power I'll be fine.

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