Thursday, February 11, 2010

Global Warming Debunked by Snow?

Hard to believe but that's what the folks on Fox News and several Republican legislators want people to believe. They've been using it to take shots at former Vice President Al Gore. If they had actually watched and paid attention to his film An Inconvenient Truth they would understand that Climate Change makes for more extreme weather events. The overall trend is for warmer temperatures, but it won't eliminate cold spells or winter storms.

Last night, Rachel Maddow and Bill Nye the Science Guy helped those that are having trouble with this concept. The fact that it is snowing on one part of the earth, does not in fact disprove the scientific fact that the overall trend for our planet is one of warming and therefore creating more severe weather events.

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The Rachel Maddow Show

If you are like Sarah Palin, and love the "satire," then you'll like how The Daily Show and The Colbert Report handled this topic.
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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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