Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

When someone else explains something so much better than you ever could then why re-invent the wheel? Rachel Maddow lays out the case for why our president was deserving of the honor that was announced on Friday morning and how strange it is that people are getting so bent out of shape over it.

Rachel Maddow: The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

"The American president just won the Nobel Peace Prize. By any reasonable measure, all Americans should be proud." - Rachel Maddow
UPDATE - I can't resist adding this comment from Bill Maher.
"Republicans would bitch if Obama got a BET award."
- BILL MAHER, on the right’s reaction to Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, on Real Time


Cheshire Cat said...

Wow, it's amazing how one-sided your beliefs are on politics. Hero worship can be a dangerous thing; especially when your hero lets you down.

Also, the very fact that you feel you need to defend the award means you have questions in your own mind. I think that the people who really deserve the Nobel Peace prize are the ones who will never ever be considered.

Cheshire Cat said...

By the way, I take offense at your quote from Bill Maher, "Republicans would bitch if Obama got a BET award." I happen to be a Republican and I voted for Obama, so please don't lump us together as a group. That's what every other hate group does, how are you any different?

In addition, there are plenty of Democrats who think the award of the Nobel Peace prize to President Obama was a bit premature. Including, I believe, the President himself.

Chris said...

There is no doubt that my politics lean pretty heavy towards one side of the spectrum. I don't make any secret of that fact or apologize for it.

It is also true that any human being is sure to let you down from time to time, but I am not "worshiping" any politician. I do strongly support those that are working to further the agenda and causes that I believe in and am proud that Barack Obama is our president. That is not "hero worship."

I also happen to wish that he would move more swiftly to end the wars, close Gitmo, prosecute the torture perpetrated by the last administration, repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, and push harder than he has for the type of Health Care reform on which he campaigned. I have signed countless petitions in order to send him those messages.

The fact that I felt the need to post a defense of the award speaks much more to my feeling that those objecting needed to hear a rational argument (provided by Miss Maddow) than any doubts in my mind. Was I surprised when I heard he won? Yes, but defending something doesn't mean that you have your own doubts.

Does an innocent man hiring a lawyer and defending himself in court indicate that he thinks he may be guilty? or just his desire to defend himself to the charges against him?

Sorry you were offended by a comedian making a joke, but that's all that was. Comedians often use stereotypes as a form of hyperbole to be funny. It doesn't make them a hate group.

Comparing me to a hate group for quoting a joke about a political party (a group of people who have already lumped themselves together by a common ideology) is ridiculous.

Yes, the President was surprised by the award, but understood why they chose him. I'm sure that there were Democrats who questioned it as well.

Hence the Maddow clip with a clear explanation on why it makes sense. There is a long list of others who have been given the award for working towards peace. Some had not yet succeeded in their objectives and some never did. That doesn't mean that they didn't deserve the award.

Cheshire Cat said...

Okay, the hate group comment definitely comes across as extreme. I meant it to be more of a rhetorical question and I didn't word it properly, so it came across as insulting. I didn't intend that. I can tell by your writings that you're not a hater. Sorry about that. :)

It's your blog and you can do what you want, but why did you quote Bill Maher's joke. What does that have to do with defending the President's Nobel Peace Prize. Why take a poke at Republicans? I guess I just don't get your modivation? Definitely not hate, but anger, frustration? After all, in the end we're just people.

Chris said...

No worries and good question. Perhaps a bit of frustration after so many attacks thrown at Democrats with little or no response. (ie. Swiftboat, Max Cleland, Harold Ford). If Gore or Kerry had stood up for themselves or thrown a counter punch here or there those elections may have gone deferently.

Added to the "birthers", Tea Party attacks, "death panel" claims etc I guess the Nobel Prize stuff seemed to me to be another attempt to derail the conversation and agenda. So I found Bill Maher's comment to be funny and did not give a lot of thought before adding it to my post. I believe that his statement is over the top and only applies to the small extreme faction of the Republican party. Unforetunately it seems like they are the loudest and most covered part of party lately though. I threw a bucket of paint at them with that quote and obviously covered folks like you that did not deserve it. Apologies for that and thank you for your questions and comments. I will do my best to clarify or add a disclaimer in the future when it is warranted (which it obviously was in this case).