President Obama is in full court press mode on Health Care Reform, so it was fitting that he spoke in a basketball arena last week. My father and I went to the University of Maryland last Thursday to see his speech at the Comcast Center. Below are a few photos that I took and the CSPAN video of the speech. The speech was good, but unfortunately the sound system was lousy. They choose not to use the house PA and instead used a temporary set up of speakers hanging above and in front of the stage. The speakers were pointed straight ahead from the stage and did not provide very good sound to the sides of the arena. Luckily the scoreboard in the center had the closed captioning turned on and we were able to read the speech. The brief delay to get the text onto the screen made the applause lines a bit choppy though.
He was even heckled at one point, but the heckler was shouted down by those around him and quickly escorted out by police.
I'm not sure, but I think the heckler might have been related to Gallagher. He ended with the full story of the "Fired up! Ready to go!" rally cry as he has been doing a lot lately. Here is the CSPAN video of the speech -
The opinions expressed here are solely my own. They do not represent the opinions of PC(USA), First of Annapolis, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary or any other organization with whom I am affiliated.
I am a seminary student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. At first it was somewhat strange being back in school for the first time in 18 years, but I love what I am studying and have quite a different approach and attitude than I did as an undergraduate.
Before starting graduate school I was the Youth Director at the First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis. I coordinated youth fellowship, Sunday school, summer mission trips, confirmation class and anything else that involved the 6th through 12th grade students.
I was also the Facilities Manager as well but an accident changed that. In March of 2008 I fell at work and shattered my right knee. I had multiple surgeries and now my right leg isn't quite what it used to be. My knee only bends about 40-45 degrees and I can not stand or walk for extended lengths of time. It has a taken a bit of adjusting getting used to being partially disabled, but in the grand scheme of things it could have been much worse.
I am now truly a member of "The Ministry of Silly Walks."
The Art of Peace begins with you. Work on yourself and your appointed task in the Art of Peace. Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the art to all that you encounter.
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